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Standard Advert Themes Features
Ad Management
All themes come with predefined ad positions. You can choose how many ads to display in a position, different ad colors, ad position rotation and much more.
Performance Tracking
Set channels to view detailed reporting about the performance of specific content ad positions, compare results and optimize your site for maximum earnings.
Protect your ads from your own accidental clicks, clickbombs and invalid clicks by hiding ads from logged in users, blocking traffic from certain sites, or blocking IP addresses.
Pushdown Images
These images are used to draw the attention of your visitors to ads below them, and improve CTR. They can also be used as banners for affiliate programs, and combined randomly at the same time.
Theme Customizer
Theme Customizer makes it easy for users to customize a theme and see the colors changing in real time without refreshing a page.
Color Schemes
Advert Themes come with 4 pre-made color schemes you can choose from, plus you can create your own color scheme with the all mighty theme customizer.
Our themes allow you to choose from a variety of page layouts. You can also change the layout from the post editor on every post or page individually.
Social Profiles
Set links to your social profiles quickly and easily, and choose where you want them displayed.
Site Title Control
Fully control site title - make it text or image, change default HTML tags, site title linking - link to front page, custom link, no link...
Easy Editable Footer
Quickly and easily change what's displayed in the footer of your site, without touching any code.
Menu Ordering
Change the look of the theme by ordering menus differently. All combinations are possible: one or two menus before the header, after header, one menu before and one after header etc...
Breadcrumbs Built In
All themes come with this navigational technique for displaying currently viewed page. All pages are linked for easy backwards navigation. Text is translatable from theme options.
Translation Ready
All theme main strings can be translated through theme options, so you don't have to touch .po files. However, .po & .mo files are also available for full site translation.
Cross Browser Compatibility
All our themes are tested and compatible with all modern web browsers, such as Internet Explorer 8, 9, 10, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera.
Money Back Guarantee On All User Accounts
All transactions are fully secured and processed via ClickBank
See Plans & PricingNO monthly payments or hidden fees